Advice has been issued as Bolton’s junior doctors are set to take part in industrial action from the end of next week.

Industrial action will take place from Saturday February 24 to Wednesday February 28 and the NHS in Bolton will be prioritising urgent, emergency, and critical care during this period of action to help keep the sickest patients safe.

The industrial action is expected to cause disruption to how healthcare services are provided.

Some routine appointments and procedures are being postponed with affected patients being notified directly.

If patients have not heard of any changes to their appointment or procedure they are asked to still attend as they normally would.

Dr Francis Andrews, Medical Director at Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We will be putting our tried and tested plans into place to help ensure the impact of the strikes is felt as minimally as possible, however there will still be some disruption.

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“Please remember that if you have an urgent or emergency need then we are here to help you, but if you have a condition which is not urgent or an emergency then there are alternatives for you.

“Any non-urgent or non-life-threatening care need can be helped by using, speaking with your GP or your pharmacist, or by using self-care, but please do use 999 in an emergency.”

Repeat prescriptions should be ordered in advance of industrial action to ensure people have enough of their regular medications.

Dr Andrews added: “We really appreciate your ongoing patience and support as we work through industrial action, and for the kindness you show our staff as they work incredibly hard to keep everybody safe.

“Preparing ahead of this round of strike action by ensuring you have your medication, still attending appointments unless told otherwise and know to choose the right service means you are doing your best to support your NHS.”

Throughout this challenging period, urgent and emergency services are still available to help those who need it.

If people’s conditions are not an emergency or life or limb threatening, they are asked to consider using a different service for care:

  • NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week either online or by phone.
  • Make an appointment with the local GP.
  • Visit a local pharmacy.

The Be The Difference Bolton website has information to help residents choose the right NHS service for their health needs.

If you have a story or something you would like to highlight in the community, please email me at or DM me on X @chloewjourno.