The body of a cat has tragically been discovered on a town centre fly tip. 

It was discovered on a tipped pile of Covid-19 test kits on a patch of wasteland on Moor Lane in the town centre, which has been there at least since November

A member of a missing cat Facebook group found the feline and posted a picture of it. 

Caroline Aylett, from Staffordshire, saw the photograph on the group. 

The Bolton News: The Covid testsThe Covid tests (Image: Public)

She said: "In a missing cat groups on Facebook I saw a picture in with a dead cat and the rubbish from those tests. Whoever dumped that there, it is illegal dumping. 

"I have reported it to the council."

She added she was concerned if there was liquid in the vials.

"The cat is now with the RSPCA. I was just upset by it really, I am a cat owner myself, I love cats and animals, and to see a dead cat isn't very nice anyway, it has lost its life and was obviously owned by somebody. 

"I just hope the owner is found and they can get closure, I hope the council deal with this and the person who dumped these items is found and prosecuted." 

The Bolton News: The dead catThe dead cat (Image: Public)

Read more: Concern as 'big mound' of fly-tipped boxes remain on town centre wasteland 

Read more: Fly-tipping in Bolton is at a record high as shocking figures released

A spokesperson for Bolton Council said: “Moor Lane has been subject to several fly tipping offences over recent months.

“The area is private land and therefore the responsibility of the landowner.

The Bolton News: The fly tipThe fly tip (Image: Public)

“Council officers have been engaging with the landowner as regards cleaning up the waste and to find a long term solution to the problem." 

An RSPCA spokesperson said: "This is a very sad discovery and we thank the member of the public who took this poor cat to our local branch in Bolton.

"We don’t know how the cat died but if anyone has any first hand information to suggest this was a suspicious death then they can call our appeal line number on 0300 123 8018."