Patients are leaving a ‘wonderful legacy’ by taking part in a research which could make the final days and hours of life more comfortable.

Bolton Hospice, based off Chorley New Road, has played an important part in CHELsea II trial, which is assessing whether giving patients in the last days of life fluids via a drip, also known as ‘clinically-assisted hydration’, is effective at preventing them from developing delirium, or ‘terminal agitation’.

The problem often occurs at end-of-life and can cause distress such as confusion and restlessness, to patients, their families, and health workers.

So far, 15 patients at Bolton Hospice have agreed to be part of the trial.

In doing so, the Clinical Research Network (CRN) Greater Manchester say they have contributed vital data to the UK-wide project, which is working with

80 sites across the country and is aiming to collect data from 1,600 participants.

Bolton Hospice has been recognised for its contribution to the advancement of palliative care by the network.

They said the hospice was leading the way as the most research-active hospice in the region, serving as an example for other palliative care sites.

Dr Ellie McCann, consultant physician and Bolton Hospice’s medical director, and her team have been praised for their efforts.

The Bolton News: Bolton Hospice

Bindhu Xavier, a senior clinical research nurse from CRN Greater Manchester who has supported Bolton Hospice on the trial, said: “The National Institute for Health and Care Research is keen to grow research in hospices to increase the evidence base around palliative and end of life care and support services in helping people at the end of their lives to live as well as possible.

“Dr McCann and the team have shown such commitment to starting Bolton Hospice on their research journey and providing a shining example of how hospices and their patients can contribute to health and care research. “One of our values is to make research as inclusive as possible for everyone across Greater Manchester and, by offering opportunities to be part of the CHELsea II study, Bolton Hospice is helping us to do this.”

Dr McCann said: “Bolton House have been proud to be part of this trial looking at a topic which is common for patients in our care and around the world in

palliative care. “The patients and families we have approached have been very keen to play a part in this research and we are extremely grateful for their involvement.

“By consenting to take part, they are all leaving a wonderful legacy by helping to improve the comfort of future patients in end of life care.”

The certificate presentation was made by CRN Greater Manchester team members Bindhu Xavier, senior clinical research nurse; Ash Minchin, research support facilitator; and David Pickthall, communications officer.

Bolton Hospice revealed this summer that it is facing huge financial pressures and could be forced to make deep cuts. This prompted The Bolton News to launch the Save Bolton Hospice campaign.

Donations can be made online by going to Save Bolton Hospice on GoFundMe.