Plans to create a new first floor flat are amongst several put before Bolton Council recently.

You can see the application for Bank Chambers, King Street, Farnworth for yourself by going to the council’s online planning portal and searching 17467/24.

The proposal was put forward in mid-January.

Other recent planning applications include:

17478/24 Prior notification application for a proposed larger home extension at rear (5M long, 2.99m max height, 2.70m eaves height) on Litherland Road, Bolton, BL3 3ET.

17477/24 Prior notification application for a proposed larger home extension at rear (4.8m long, 3.66m, 2.7m eaves height) on Eskrick Street, Bolton, BL1 3EN.

17473/24 Discharge of conditions 7 (external material) 8 (soil importation) 9 (doors and windows) on application 14055/22.

17474/24 Siting of three internally illuminated fascia signs at the Bolton Enterprise Centre, Washington Street, Bolton, BL3 5EY.

17475/24 Felling of a beech at The Woodlands, Lostock, BL6 4JD.

17464/24 Discharge of condition 4 (location of CCTV cameras) on application 15612/23, land off Salford Road, Bolton, BL5 1DG.

17463/24 Discharge of condition 11 (landscaping scheme) on application 07237/19 at Meridian Business Park, Manchester Road, Bolton, BL3 2BY.

17461/24 Discharge of condition 3 (acoustic insulation to floor and ceilings between ground and first floor) on application 15406/23 on Newport Street, Bolton, BL1 1NE.

17458/24 Variation of condition 10 (approved plans) on application 01154/17 at Clarebank, Heaton, BL1 5AE.

17465/24 Erection of a single storey side and rear extension together with a pitched roof over existing garage and front porch on Boonfields, Bromley Cross, BL7 9LF.

17460/24 Non material amendment to application 13587/22 to amend the house type elevations on land east of Lever Park Avenue, Horwich.

17455/24 Certificate of lawful development (S192) for a proposed erection of a single storey extension at rear together with replacement of translucent roof to covered area and installation of one roof light on Hough Fold Way, Bolton, BL2 3PU.

17454/24 Felling of one Swedish Whitebeam on Burwell Close, Bolton, BL3 3AF.

Applications and plans can be viewed at

People can also check the progress of applications and comment on current applications in the consultation period.

For more public notices, visit The Bolton News daily and online at