St Ann’s Hospice has just opened its new 2024 Winter Raffle and are excited to see who will win big.

By entering for just £1 per ticket, people could be in with the chance of winning the top prize of £5000.

And every ticket bought in the raffle will go towards helping the hospice support their patients and their loved ones.

Lucy Kesek joined the rehabilitation team as a specialist physiotherapist last summer.

She said: “Our rehabilitation team works across both of our sites with inpatients and outpatients. We implement a rehab approach; supporting people in working towards their individual goals, to live fully, and to live well.

“By establishing what is important to our patients, we can enable them to get closer to their goals. Whether their goals are big or small, we always work to facilitate these and do what we can to help our patients, whether that is going for a walk outside or taking a shower.

“Donations from our community are so important to us so that we can continue to support our patients and help them in every way we can.”

Buying 20 tickets could fund a hand or foot massage with one of St Ann’s therapists to help a patient or carer to relax, or 30 tickets could pay for a patient or loved one to receive a counselling session with their specialist team.

Geraldine Manning was the lucky winner of the top prize in the Christmas raffle in December 2022.

Geraldine says: “I’ve used the money to go away for a weekend to Beaumaris which was special, and treated my husband, niece and daughter.

“It was the first time I had played the St Ann’s Hospice raffle so winning was such a beautiful surprise! If the prize had been a box of chocolates it would have been just as lovely.”

The closing date for entering the raffle is Sunday, Marc 3 with the raffle being drawn on Wednesday, March 13 and winners will be notified and details placed on their website at

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