Thousands of pounds have been raised for a Bolton domestic abuse charity after they hosted their first ever abseil challenge.

Fortalice hosted the challenge late last year with 45 daredevils taking part in the sponsored abseil down the famous 128ft Peel Tower at Holcombe in Bury.

All participants were raising funds and awareness for the charity, which offers frontline community services and refuge accommodation.

The ongoing increase in cost of living is having a detrimental effect on everyone, Fortalice included, and the added financial pressures on home life can unfortunately heighten domestic abuse and its costs have risen and so has the demand.

Fortalice’s support includes refuge accommodation accommodating 22 families, local outreach community services supporting victims, education, and accredited training for professionals.

And the abseil took place to help raise funds for the charity; the day was a huge success raising over £5,128.

The Bolton News: Myia Devenport aged 12 Myia Devenport aged 12 (Image: Fortalice)Fortalice’s chief executive Gill Smallwood took the plunge along with employees of local businesses such as Seddon’s, AFG Law, Stanmore Insurance and other supporters of the charity.

Gill even persuaded all her family to take part.

On the day, the youngest abseiler was 12 and the oldest was 69- a diverse range of ages coming together in a brilliant atmosphere to enjoy an eventful day in the community.

Some even faced their fear of heights.

Gill said: “When our fundraiser asked me what challenge I would personally take on for the organisation I suggested an abseil.

“When someone said how brave I was, I suddenly thought about all the victims, survivors, and children we work with, and I remembered thinking that they are the brave ones.

“I would like to thank the fantastic instructors and our photographer who volunteered his time free.

“Without all our supporters we wouldn’t be able to provide our diverse range of services helping local families.”

If you are experiencing domestic abuse or know someone who is, you can contact Fortalice on 01204 365 677 for their 24 hour line or talk via their online webchat from Monday to Friday from 12.30pm to 2.30pm at

If you have a story or something you would like to highlight in the community, please email me at or DM me on X @chloewjourno.