D-Day is approaching for a decision on whether to let off the company responsible for car parks across the town centre from some of the millions it owes Bolton Council.

National Car Parks Limited (NCP Ltd) is asking the authority to wipe out £1.2m, plus VAT, of the debt accrued by the company over the course of the coronavirus crisis.

On October 2 last year the Labour Group cabinet approved the request for the first time but, on October 18 last year, it was summoned to a committee where, in turn, it was summoned to the council chamber for a vote by all councillors.

Before Christmas a motion for the refusal of the request by David Grant, the leader of Horwich and Blackrod First, was successful at the end of a drawn-out debate at the town hall.

However the Labour Group cabinet remains responsible for the decision and it remains recommended to approve the request for the final time when it meets on Monday (January 8). 

Cllr Grant told The Bolton News: "There is nothing to explain how this agreement is to the benefit of the council.

"They use the words working in partnership but it always seems to be one-sided and there is no upside to this."

The Bolton News: David Grant

When NCP Ltd agreed to a contract with the authority, it agreed to a Guaranteed Revenue Payment to be paid once a month and to be reviewed once a year in return for the right to run the two multi-storey car parks on Deane Road and Topp Way, the two car parks next to The Octagon, the car park next to the market and the on-street terminals across the town centre. 

This Guaranteed Revenue Payment was around £80,000, plus VAT, at the most recent review.

It appears NCP Ltd is not paying until a decision is made as the debt is up to more than £4m.

On October 18 cabinet member for transport Hamid Khurram said the debt was only £3.8m.

Cllr Khurram said: "I, the cabinet, and the leader have not considered this lightly. We supported this after close consideration of the request. 

"It is important to be clear that the council is owed £3.8m and that this will result in the rest of the balance being paid with no payment plan."

Cllr Khurram added: "We are not losing any funding due to this decision. 

"The funding comes from a coronavirus grant awarded during the pandemic to support, amongst other things, the losses due to the closure of the car parks and, when the car parks were open, the losses due to the lack of patronage."

Previously a spokesperson for NCP Ltd declined to comment.

This article was written by Jack Tooth. To contact him, email jack.tooth@newsquest.co.uk or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.