With winter in full swing, power network Electricity North West are reminding households that help and support is at hand.

The operator has committed to helping its customers by investing more than £300,000 in partnerships with charities and organisations throughout the region.

Families and individuals can now get free confidential advice, energy efficiency tips and access to funding support with targeted help for those who are older or have health issues.

Since April, more than 10,000 people in the North West have received help and support either during a power cut or with their energy usage and Electricity North West’s customer director Stephanie Trubshaw is urging people to join its free Extra Care Register.

She said: “It’s an incredibly difficult time for many of our customers, particularly as the temperature starts to drop and the dark nights close in.

“Even though the electricity network costs are only a small part of your overall energy bill, just over £100 a year, we know that other parts of bills are rising rapidly. As the regional operator we want to help.

“We understand customers will be struggling and that is why we invest so heavily in partnerships.

"We now have a diverse range meaning we can help as many people as possible.

"We never want people to feel they are alone, and we want them to know support is available.

“As well providing support through our ‘Take Charge’ campaign, our partners also help spread the word about our Extra Care Register which is a free service open to those who might need a little extra help from us.

“Our teams of experts and partners are here to help you be safer, warmer, and more comfortable over the winter.”