The conversion of a historic house sold for around half a million pounds into a care home was approved by Bolton Council.

Next Steps applied for planning permission for the site of Roper's Barn, next to Roper's Farm, in Smithills on September 20.

The proposal is for the conversion of the historic house on Valletts Lane into a care home for up to eight adults in need of additional care. According to Rightmove it sold for around half a million pounds this year.

There are minimal internal alterations and no external alterations to the building which is not a listed building and which is not in a Conservation Area, according to a planning statement by the agent Ingleton Wood.

ALSO READ: Opening for care home after redevelopment of historic hotel.

They said: "The site represents an opportunity to provide housing to address the needs of people within the local community.

"The proposed development is capable of comprising sustainable development, socially, economically and environmentally.

The Bolton News: (14193947)

"The principle of development is supported in local policies and national policies which encourage the provision of a range of housing. There are not anticipated to be any adverse impacts to outweigh the benefits of the proposed development.

"The proposed development is consistent with the adopted Development Plan and underpinned by the principles of the National Planning Policy Framework. On this basis it is therefore respectfully requested that the application is approved."

ALSO READ: Premier League star's bid for care home is approved.

There was opposition from two residents with concerns about parking in particular and its impact on issues such as access for the emergency services.

Officers recommended the application for approval and it was approved by the council last week.

They said: "This proposal complies with the core strategy and Places for Everyone policies and it will provide a facility for one which may have to close. 

"No adverse impacts have been identified sufficient to justify the refusal of this application."

Roper's Barn appeared in a 'Then and Now' feature for The Bolton News almost a decade ago.

The farm and barn is 17th century or possibly much earlier.

It was owned by the Smith family in the 17th century and they lived at Smith Fold which is where the Bennetts Buildings, in Church Road now stand.

This article was written by Jack Tooth. To contact him, email or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.