A school "where all pupils flourish" has been rated ‘outstanding’ by the education watchdog.

Green Fold School based on Highfield Road, Farnworth, has been given the top Ofsted  grade after a recent inspection.

The special school was rated ‘outstanding’ in all areas including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership, and management and early years provision.

His Majesty’s inspector Sue Eastwood and inspector Dawn Farrent praised the school in several ways.

The report states: “Pupils love coming to Green Fold School. It is a place where all pupils flourish.

“Staff are passionate and enthusiastic about providing the very best education for pupils.

“Relationships between staff and pupils are exceptional. Pupils know that staff care for them deeply and that there is always an adult there for them when needed.

“Consequently, pupils feel happy and know that they are in safe hands.”

The school was praised by inspectors for the curriculum.

The report states: “From children in early years to the oldest pupils, there is no ceiling placed upon what staff want pupils to achieve.

“Staff have a thorough understanding of pupils’ unique and complex needs.

“This, along with an aspirational curriculum, ensures that pupils, all of whom have special educational needs and/or disabilities, are exceptionally well prepared for their next steps in education.

“The school has designed a highly effective and ambitious curriculum.

“The school’s curriculum thinking is exceptionally well developed and reflects a strong determination that every pupil will benefit from rich and engaging learning experiences.

The Bolton News: Gary Anders was awarded as Headteacher and Specialist Provision of the year from the Bolton News Education AwardsGary Anders was awarded as Headteacher and Specialist Provision of the year from the Bolton News Education Awards (Image: Gary Anders)“Teachers are confident in the subjects that they teach. They skilfully use the information that they have about each pupil to break down learning into small, manageable steps.

“Staff have a deep understanding of how to adapt the delivery of the curriculum for all pupils.”

The report also praised the staff.

It states: “Governors share the school’s ambition and commitment. Staff value the support that they receive for their well-being and workload.

“Staff are proud to work at the school and share the school’s determination to make a real difference to the lives of pupils and their families.”

Gary Anders, headteacher aid: “I am delighted that Green Fold School has been recognised for having a highly effective and ambitious curriculum, that places no ceiling on achievement.

“I am privileged to lead an exceptional team who care deeply for the children and strive for excellence.

“I would like to thank the staff and whole school community for their support and commitment, making sure that each has the personalised support they need.

“Including our governors who work hard to hold school leaders to account and generously give their time to support us as a school.

“Most importantly I would like to acknowledge our fantastic pupils who make school a happy place and are the greatest motivation for us to understand that only the best is good enough.”

The Orchards Federation Chair of Governors, Holly Bonfield, said: “As a governing board, we are very proud of all the staff and children at ​Green Fold School.

“The report is a great reflection of the amazing child-centred work that happens every day at ​Green Fold to ensure each and every child can meet their full potential.”

If you have a story or something you would like to highlight in the community, please email me at chloe.wilson@newsquest.co.uk or DM me on X @chloewjourno.