Bolton will be given greater control over how millions of pounds worth of government money is spent on major projects.

As part of a landmark pilot scheme unveiled this month Bolton Council is one of just ten authorities across the country that will have more freedom to manage its own regeneration plans

Major projects like these in recent years have included the remodelling of Farnworth town centre, the Bolton College of Medical Sciences and the refurbishment of the central library.

Council leader Cllr Nick Peel said: “This is a clear vote of confidence in Bolton’s ability to successfully deliver major regeneration projects.

“I strongly believe in local decision making, and this pilot scheme will empower us to have an even greater say on how money is spent in Bolton.

The Bolton News: The deal will allow more control over funding at Bolton CouncilThe deal will allow more control over funding at Bolton Council (Image: Newsquest)

“It is great news for Bolton residents who will benefit from even more effective management of the funding we have worked hard to secure from government grants.”

The scheme is known as the Simplification Pathfinder Pilot and will mean the council can move budget underspends on certain projects across to support other developments.

Bolton was selected after showing its investment plan to the government and demonstrating its ability to work with partners.

It was unveiled by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and comes after Bolton won grants from the Levelling Up, The Future Highstreets, and Towns Funds.

Each of these funds had previously had its own regulations on finance, timescales and how progress is reported back to the government.

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But the Simplification Pathfinder Pilot will mean that Bolton Council will be able to manage all the funding pots as part of a single, wider regeneration plan.

Council deputy leader Cllr Akhtar Zaman said: “Bolton has been remarkably successful in securing grants from central government.

“That money is already funding a wide range of projects from the Bolton Institute of Medical Sciences, the market refurbishment and library transformation to the transformation of Farnworth and the creation of a digital innovation hub in the town centre.

“This pilot scheme will make managing these different funding pots much easier, allowing for a more joined-up approach to place shaping that will deliver even greater benefits for our residents.”