Motorists are being warned that traffic lights are out at a major junction

Lights on the junction of Moor Lane and Ormrod Street are not working this afternoon, Wednesday, November 29. 

Pictures show no traffic signals working on the junction, with traffic edging out. 

At around 2.45pm, one passer-by said: "It is such a busy junction and used by pedestrians all the time. Let's hope it gets fixed soon. 

The Bolton News: Cars edging out onto the junctionCars edging out onto the junction (Image: Newsquest)

"There were queues of cars edging out onto Moor Lane. It would be scary crossing the road as a pedestrian, as you wouldn't know which way to look."  

This is not the first time that traffic lights have failed in Bolton town centre, with signals having failed on the junction of Trinity Street and Black Horse Street earlier this month. 

The lights stopped working on the morning of November 14, during rush hour. 

We have contacted TfGM for comment on this matter.