Cardboard boxes full of Covid-19 test kits have been dumped on wasteland in the town centre.

According to a resident, thousands of tests have been dumped on Moor Lane on wasteland.

Pictures show the wasted antigen rapid coronavirus tests.

Cllr Akhtar Zaman, the local ward councillor, said this behaviour of fly-tipping is not acceptable and he will be contacting officers to investigate.

He said: “I didn’t know anything about this, but I will go round and have a look myself and then I will report it to the relevant people to deal with this fly-tipping.

“If it is on the wasteland then it might be on private land so officers will need to investigate that so as the elected member for this ward, I will report it to our officers who will have a look into it.

“I can’t speculate who would have done this kind of behaviour, but it is not acceptable, and it will need to be investigated and we will try to get to the bottom of it.”

The Bolton News: The fly-tipped Covid testsThe fly-tipped Covid tests (Image: Public)

Data that came out earlier this year showed there were more than 2,000 fly-tipping incidents reported in Bolton in the space of three years – but this figure was the lowest out of every Greater Manchester borough.

However, despite the low figure, fly-tipping is illegal, and Bolton Council are working to combat it.

Bolton Council’s website states that residents have a legal duty of care to ensure household waste is disposed of correctly.

If waste is fly-tipped residents or businesses could face a £400 fixed penalty notice or an unlimited fine.

Anyone handing waste to a third party to dispose of should first check they have a valid waste carriers license and make sure they receive a waste transfer note.

Failing to do so means residents will be held responsible if their waste is later fly tipped.

If you have a story or something you would like to highlight in the community, please email me at or DM me on X @chloewjourno.