A man launched a savage attack on another man he was working with at a pub in the centre of Bolton.

Thomas Bond had been working at the Star and Garter with a colleague.

But after his co-worker spoke to his partner he became violent.

Bolton Magistrates Court heard the man was left with anxiety as a result.

The woman ignored Bond’s colleague and after a short exchange between them Bond attacked the man.

He punched him a number of times causing him to suffer a broken nose, a cut to an ear and eyebrow, two black eyes and swelling.

When interviewed by the police Bond accepted causing the injuries.

Katrina Beitina, prosecuting, read an impact statement from the victim.

It said: “Nobody has the right to assault me for any reason.

“This has lost me a day of work as I had to use it to recover.

“The injuries make me feel down.

“I recently got married and my family do not know about the incident.

“When I pass the Star and Garter I feel anxious.

“I feel the defendant will confront me about reporting the incident.”

At court Bond, 30 and from Wolfenden Street, Astley Bridge, pleaded guilty to actual bodily harm during the incident in March last year.

The court heard he had 11 previous convictions including two for assault by beating and was last before the court in 2019.

Samantha Cole, defending, said: “It was a guilty plea at the first opportunity.

“He accepts three punches as he did in interview.

“He accepts the injuries caused were as a result of that.

“He does have an explanation to put forward.”

She said he had asked the man to stop approaching his girlfriend on “several occasions” and he “did not stop.”

She asked for a presentence report to be prepared in the case.

Chair of the bench Kathleen Butterworth agreed to this request.

Bond will be sentenced in December at Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court.