A man stole from Boots in Bolton a short time after being released from prison for theft.

Roy Allen entered the store on  a Sunday and helped himself to perfumes and other items.

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court heard he was caught in the act.

Tess Kenyon, prosecuting, said: “The defendant was seen to leave the store with a carrier bag.

“He had not made a payment.

“Police were informed and the area was searched.

“The goods were all recovered so compensation is not sought.

“He was interviews and fully admitted the offence.

“He was jailed in August for theft.

“He was on post sentence supervision.”

At court Allen, 36 and of no fixed abode, admitted theft.

Peter Hayes, defending, said: “He was released on October 5.

“He does not have an address and so could not claim benefits.

“He is a man who has a problem with drugs.

“I said to Mr Allen ‘if you say to me I am perfectly happy to go to a short custodial sentence I am sure the court would oblige.

“But the prison population is at an all time high.”

He argued a suspended sentence would give Allen the chance to stay out of trouble.

He said: “If you give him a stand alone suspended sentence he leaves knowing it is his choice whether he goes to prison.”

Presiding Justice John Vogan suspended a sentence of eight weeks for a year.

He said: “If you breach it within the next 12 months you are in effect sending yourself to prison.

“Your previous record is horrendous.

“There must be a point where you think I can’t go on like this.

“We do not think you are at that point.

“You were released a few weeks ago and you are again offending.

“It is on you whether you go to prison or not.”

Bolton police are cracking down on shoplifting with a special team patrolling Bolton town centre.

The Greater Manchester Police (GMP) team has been deploying newly recruited officers, supported by senior officers, into Bolton town centre over the last few months to help support security staff and identify theft hotspots.