A decision is due on a development of five homes opposed by more than a dozen residents in Kearsley.

The applicant submitted a proposal for the land opposite Kearsley Mount Shopping Precinct last year.

The land off Manchester Road is designated as 'Other Protected Open Land'. This is a level of protection higher than the protection afforded to most sites but lower than the protection afforded to other sites on Green Belt.

Its development into five homes, all three-storey townhouses, is opposed by more than a dozen residents who are concerned about a range of issues from the impact on the parking and the roads to an increase in anti-social behaviour and criminal behaviour.

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But a report for consideration by the Planning Committee suggests these issues and others would not outweigh the benefits of the proposal, in particular its contribution of five homes to housing supply, which is not at its target of a five-year supply as it stands.

The Planning Committee is recommended to approve the application when it meets on the town hall next week.

A report reads: "The National Planning Policy Framework supports making effective use of land and Paragraph 60 refers to the objective of boosting the housing supply. The proposal would contribute five dwellings to housing supply.

"The site would also occupy an accessible location for the local services and occupiers would be likely to contribute to the community and to the local services. Furthermore there may be temporary benefits during construction. Given the number of dwellings moderate weight is attributed to these benefits."

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The report adds: "Overall, the adverse impacts identified would not outweigh the benefits when assessed against the policies in the National Planning Policy Framework.

"It is considered that the proposals would represent sustainable development and members are therefore recommended to approve this application subject to conditions."

The Planning Committee meets at the town hall on October 5.

This article was written by Jack Tooth. To contact him, email jack.tooth@newsquest.co.uk or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.