Daredevils are to jump from 300ft to show how much they care.

Hashaam Ijaz, aged 28, and Kirsty Thompson, aged 31, will be bungee jumping to raise money for Kenyon Lodge Care Home in Little Hulton, where they both work.

They are aiming to raise £1500 to go towards an interactive table for the home, which will allow bed-bound residents to video call their families and provide them with entertainment.

The jump will take place at Tatton Park on October 28. 

The Bolton News: Hashaam Ijaz and Kirsty ThompsonHashaam Ijaz and Kirsty Thompson (Image: Public)

Hashaam, who is from Farnworth, said: "We are doing a bungee jump to raise funds for the care home.

"It is for a digital table, an 'interactive table'.

"It is why we planned all of this.

"For some of the the residents this table can help them a lot.

"They can do stuff online, speak on video calls to their families, because some residents' families live in different countries, so it is really hard for them." 

The Bolton News: A banner advertising the jumpA banner advertising the jump (Image: Public)

He and Kirsty say that it will be a 'vitally important' piece of equipment, able to be adjusted for different people's needs and used in different ways. 

He continued: "I feel a bit scared, but obviously it is just a new experience. Both of us are really excited to do it, but everyone is a bit scared of heights aren't they?

"We have never done it before, it will be our first time. We are hoping it doesn't rain."

To donate to Hashaam and Kirsty's fundraiser, visit: https://www.gofundme.com/f/our-residents-social-interaction-improve