An attic conversion in a conservation area approved by Bolton Council by mistake is not allowed to progress after a ruling by the Planning Inspectorate.

The proposal for a dormer extension at the back of a house on Darwen Road, Bromley Cross, was submitted to the council towards the end of last year.

As the site is in the conservation area around Dunscar House, the attic conversion was considered by a Design and Conservation Officer, who said it would be "bulky and boxy" and it would "detract from the character of the dwelling".

But an administrative error saw the council send a notice of approval instead of a notice of refusal for the dormer extension, a decision it was only able to overturn with a revocation order under the Town and County Planning Act 1990.

The Bolton News:

The authority realised its mistake and it sent a revocation order at the start of this year then a notice of a refusal over the summer. It is understood no work was undertaken on the attic conversion which was intended to "increase the available accommodation" for the family in the home.

The applicant appealed to the Planning Inspectorate but, on September 15, Planning Inspector Peter Biggers agreed with the Design and Conservation Officer.

Mr Biggers said: "I understand the appellant's wish to increase the available accommodation for their family and thereby make sustainable and effective use of the dwelling, an objective which is encouraged by the National Planning Policy Framework. However, the same section of the National Planning Policy Framework states that this should not be at the expense of maintaining an area's prevailing character and setting.

"The sustainable and effective use of the dwelling to provide additional accommodation at roof level would not therefore outweigh the harm to the appearance and character of the terrace and to the conservation area as a result of the proposal.

Previously a spokesperson for Bolton Council said: "Action was taken in order to correct this administrative error. 

"We have apologised to the applicant for any confusion or inconvenience caused."

This article was written by Jack Tooth. To contact him, email or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.