A man who was jailed for having sex with his dog is back in prison  after  indecent images of children and animals were found on his phone.

Justin Brazier, 52, of Beechcroft Avenue in Breightmet, pleaded guilty to possession of indecent images of animals and indecent images of children, after 1222 images were discovered during a search at his home.

Bolton Crown  Court heard that Brazier had been possesion of 'extreme' images of animals.

A total of 343 indecent images of animals were found.

Brazier was also found to have 311 indecent images of children, classed as the most serious category A, 200 images classed as category B, and 368 category C pictures.

The offences follow a previous conviction in 2016 where Brazier was jailed for two years for possession of indecent images of children, possession of extreme pornography and penetration of a live animal, which was his pet dog.

The Bolton News: Justin Brazier

Brazier handed over his phone to police immediately and his internet history was visible.

Prosecuting, Colin Buckle  said: “Aggravating features as previous convictions, discernible pain of children, the significant age of the children, with the youngest being one and the oldest being 15, over 1000 images found, an attempt to conceal the search history with a browser, and the fact there was a large number of identifiable victims.”

In defence, Andrew Costello said: “He has understood the position he has placed himself in.

“But last time he was not given the opportunity to undertake a course while in custody or part of his sentence conditions.”

 Judge Nicholas Clarke KC asked for this to be looked at and that Brazier be entered onto a course, following his sentencing.

Judge Clarke said: “You need to be warned if this continues, you are looking at a maximum sentence.

“I am satisfied with sentencing you to three years, reduced by one third after you handed your phone to police immediately, making it the same sentence as your last, two years.

“For the class B offence, it is eight months and for class C, it is four months, to run concurrently.”

Judge Clarke also imposed a notification order for 10 years.