A woman has described the harrowing impact a relationship with a man from Bolton who attacked her had on her life.

The woman was in the relationship which began on social media while Jamal Ali was in prison before he was released in 2021.

But it ended in June this year when he attacked her at her home after being asked to leave.

Ali asked if she was really going to kick him out.

She replied yes and said she would call the police if he did not go.

Ali then jumped on the bed and put his hands around her neck for around half a second.

The woman did not lose consciousness and Ali went on to punch her and bite her.

Ali left and was arrested a short time later.

While in custody he was found to be in possession of heroin.

He appeared at Bolton Crown Court to be sentenced after admitting actual bodily harm and possession of a class A drug.

The court heard how the victim had been affected by the assault.

Megan Edwards, read a victim impact statement from her.

It said: “This defendant has ruined my life for the past two years.

“Since I met him there is no limit to the amount of trouble he has brought to me.

“I hope he has never to enter my life again.”

Mark Friend, defending the 32-year-old, said he had pleaded guilty and had been remanded in custody for three-and-a-half months.

He said during this time in prison he had detoxed and was regarded as a “model prisoner.”

Judge Timothy Clayson said: “The offence is so serious to be dealt with by way of anything other than an immediate sentence of imprisonment.”

He jailed Ali, from Lynwood Avenue, Bolton, for 15 months and applied a restraining order to last for three years.