A fisheries centre has been given the go-ahead to expand with a new shop, café and classroom.

Bradshaw Hall Fisheries, on Slack Lane off Bradshaw Road, brought its proposals to a town hall meeting asking for approval to “upgrade” its facilities.

Mark Arrowsmith, speaking in support of the bid, told planning committee members that running the café had become “a labour of love” for the owners but that they needed to expand to keep it viable.

He said: “Unfortunately, the existing café facilities are not fit for purpose.”

He added: “In short the existing facilities need to be upgraded.”

The Bolton News: The plans were approved by Bolton CouncilThe plans were approved by Bolton Council (Image: MDA Architectural Services)

Mr Arrowsmith explained that the fishery had had to cope with £1,000s of equipment having been stolen over the years, that the toilets did not properly accommodate disabled people and that the current café space was “very tight.”

He said: “The financial situation is just about sustainable but unfortunately the café isn’t making any money.”

The plans sought retrospective permission for a new classroom, which was used by local groups, as well as expansion of the café, shop and toilet facilities.

Bolton Council officers had already recommended that the scheme be approved and committee members heard about the positive effect it had on the nearby area.

No objections had been received from members of the public or from elected councillors but the plan had been taken to town hall because part of the extension was on what had been classed as green belt land.

A council report said: “The level of harm to the openness and permanence of the green belt is considered to be minor, given the scale of the proposed development and its location within a relatively concealed area.

“In order to justify this minor harm, very special circumstances have been provided which outweigh that level of harm.

“Therefore, the application is recommended for approval subject to conditions.”

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Committee members agreed with this view.

Cllr Mudasir Dean, of Bradshaw, said: “There’s usually an outcry about building on the green belt.

“But I think the development they are proposing would benefit the area, would benefit leisure and tourism and would benefit walkers visiting the area.”

The committee voted unanimously to approve the bid.