The best friend of a man who has died at the age of just 33 has paid tribute to him while promising to look after his son.

Ste Fisher, described as a man who was 'kind to everyone' was tragically found dead by his family last Wednesday

And in his memory Nicky Lomax is walking from Bolton to Blackpool to raise money for Ste's two-year-old son.

Along with Ste, his sister Carla Couperthwaite was also tragically found dead on the same day. 

The family and friends of both siblings are now mourning their loss.

Nicky  is now in the middle of his 34.8 miles from Bolton Town Centre to Blackpool.

The Bolton News: Nicky Lomax and Ste FisherNicky Lomax and Ste Fisher (Image: Nicky Lomax)

Nicky , who lives in  Halliwell, said he was ‘devastated’ by the death of his close friend and wanted to do something to help Ste's son, Freddie Fisher, when he was older.

Nicky said: “I am just devastated, that’s all I can describe it as.

“I have not processed it yet.

“Ste was a close friend and I wanted to raise money for his son.

“Raising children can be expensive but I wanted to give him something for when he is older.

“He was my best friend from childhood, and I will look after his son.”

Nicky described Mr Fisher as ‘full of life’ and someone who was kind to everyone.

The Bolton News: Nicky Lomax and Ste Fisher

He said: “He was full of life and soul and was always himself."

A separate Go Fund Me page was started for Mr Fisher’s funeral already, but Nicky wanted to do one for Freddie.

He said: “I’ve done about 30,000 steps and probably have another 45,000 but we will get there.

“I am just doing what I can to support Freddie and his mum because this is a horrible thing to have happened to them.

“My phone has not stopped since I started the walk with everyone wishing me luck.”

Nicky has already managed to raise over £800 for Freddie.

Nicky’s body is taking the toll of the walk, but he is determined to push on with little breaks.

He said: “I am just in the zone; I am happy to do this but emotional at times when I remember why.

“I just remind myself I am doing something good that is what he would have liked.

“It’s just shy of 35 miles, but I am trying to break it down and will probably finish at 6pm.

“I am trying not to think about my legs.”

Nicky has had one coffee stop and will stop once more to take a dip in cold water.

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