Unison will launch a special fund to help members facing financial difficulties this winter

The union, through its charity There for You will open its UNISON Energy Support Fund will on 27 September, with grants of £200 available to support low-income members with their energy bills this winter.

Julie Tudor, Welfare Officer for Bolton Unison branch said: “Our members work hard to deliver key services that people value and rely on. Despite this, many of our members are low paid and struggling to make ends meet after years of austerity and pay freezes. Understandably many people are really worried about rising gas and electricity bills and how they will cope this winter. I am pleased that this fund will offer help to some of those in greatest need. This support is no substitute for the increased levels of pay that people need. UNISON members facing financial hardship are encouraged to apply promptly. The union has finite resources which limits the number of grants available”.

For further details about the fund and how Unison members can apply is available via the union’s national website: www.unison.org.uk/thereforyou