At the age of just four-years-old, bubbly Leo Holmes is facing major surgery on his skull after being diagnosed with a life-threatening condition.

Parents, David and Charlotte Holmes, say their little fighter needs the operation to allow his brain to develop after being diagnosed with sagittal craniosynostosis, where the skull fuses before birth stopping the growth of brain.

Leo first underwent surgery at five months old to correct this, but his parents have been told there is building pressure behind his eyes signalling he needs another operation to expand the area around the skull as it is life-threatening if left.

The Bolton News: Leon Holmes with dad David Holmes

 David, who lives with his family in Farnworth, recalled the day when they were told about the condition.

He said: “It was heartbreaking for us for him to have major surgery and there was a lot of worry and risks.

“We could lose our son, it was a lot of pressure for us.

“We knew from birth his head was not right but when health visitors came round they would put it down to flat head syndrome.”

But the parents asked Alder Hey medics  to take a look and were given a diagnosis 11 weeks after Leo was born in July 2019.

The first operation was a success and Leo has lived a normal life.

The Bolton News: Leon Holmes with mum Charlotte Holmes

But after an eye test, an optician noticed pressure behind Leo’s eyes and he was sent back to Alder Hey Hospital, where it was confirmed, Leo needed surgery as soon as possible.

Leo is prone to headaches now and the condition has led to a change in his behaviour.

The family found out about the development just two days after David and Charlotte married on August 19.

David said: “He has been a bubbly little boy, going to nursery and loving it.

“But it has been a stressful time because we had things to organise but knew Leon needed a probe in his brain.

“Our three other children have had to be sent to other family members so we are breaking apart our family and we don’t have an awful lot of money for constant trips to the hospital paying for parking, to pay for the other children with different families, and driving and back and forth for them all.”

The other children include four-month-old Sienna Holmes, one-year-old Ethan, and five-year-old Spencer.

People can support by the family by donating to a Go Fund Me page.

To donate to the Go Fund Me, go here. (