An animal carcass has been dumped in a back street, and has been left there for at least four days, according to locals.

The disturbing remains were left on the corner of Back Annis Road and back Bushell Street.

The ward concillor says he has been inundated with calls by local residents about the burnt remains, on what seems to be a makeshift rotisserie spit.

Cllr Abdul Atcha says he has received calls over the past for four days with concerns about the animal, which appears to be a pig, being dumped in Deane.

And the councillor told The Bolton News that he will ensure it is removed and also said the council will tackle fly tipping in the ward.

Cllr Atcha said: “I have reported this to the council.

“I have been sent photos of the animal.

“I was first contacted about this four days ago.

“It looks like someone has had a barbecue and got rid of it.

“It is mostly bone.

“I have requested that the council get rid of it.

“The new administration when we came in vowed to tackle fly tipping.

“This is especially an issue in inner areas.

“We will ensure the council has the resources to give out enforcement fines.

“But as well as this people’s behaviour is going to have to change.

“I have been working with community leaders and religious organisations to tackle this."

Residents of Deane complained about fly tipping earlier this year.

In July it emerged a large pile had been dumped on the back of Hulton Lane between the junction of Kirkebrok Road and Patterston Street causing a few of rats.

It included household waste, a broken sofa, dead rats, rotten food and other items.

On Facebook people have posted their digust at the find.

One said: "Absolutely shocked to see this ,who are these people."

Another added: "When do we now leave dead burnt animals in our streets how disgusting."