A Bolton woman took more than £12,000 of benefits she was not entitled to.

Naomi Postlewaite signed up for payments which she was allowed due to having children living with her.

But Wigan and Leigh Magistrates’ Court heard once the children left her home she failed to tell the Department for Work and Pensions.

Robin Lynch, prosecuting, said: “This took place between January 2021 and June 2022.

“The amount involved was £12,362.15.

“The Department for Work and Pensions will deal with that for repayment, it is in their hands.”

Postlewaite, 30, also committed an offence against an ex-partner.

A non-molestation order was made but she broke this on Christmas Eve last year.

Postlewaite found out her former partner had booked a meal at a time she was due to have her children with her.

She then phoned the restaurant and cancelled the booking.

Mr Lynch added: “The defendant said she did not realise that would be a breach of the order.

“The order states she can’t intentionally pester or harass him.”

Postlewaite, from Bolton, appeared in court to be sentenced after admitting dishonestly failing to notify of a change affecting her entitlement to social security and breaching a non-molestation order.

Craig Morris, defending, said in relation to the benefit fraud: “She has not made a claim for benefits that was false from the outset.

“It was a perfectly legitimate claim.

“She had a breakdown in the early part of 2021 and that has led to the children leaving.

“She failed to notify and that is why there is an overpayment of £12,000.

“She accepts she should have reported that change.

“There is no chance of her ever coming back before the courts for matters of dishonesty, this is not in her nature.”

Speaking about the breach of the non-molestation order, he said: “She has a right to have her children at Christmas.

“She found out through her mother that her former partner has arranged a meal on Christmas Eve when her children should be with her.

“She rings the restaurant to cancel that in the hope that the children will be with her.

“That is all that happens, there is no contact with her ex.”

He added: “She was extremely upset. She is not a criminal, she is someone who has had a really bad time and made some mistakes.”

Chair of the bench Peter Lowe placed Postlewaite on a community order to last for a year, ordered her to attend 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days and complete 100 hours of unpaid work.