Two people were arrested this morning for burglaries in which more than £60,000 worth of items were stolen.

A 44-year-old man and a 45-year-old woman have been arrested on suspicion of burglary and remain in custody.

An address in Darcy Lever, Bolton, was targeted on both Wednesday 9 August 2023 and again on Saturday 12 August 2023.

The victim and her family were on holiday at the time.

It is estimated that the offenders made off with over £62,000 worth of assets.

Police previously stopped a car in which they found items which they believed were stolen in this burglary.

The road policing unit stopped a Volkswagen Golf on Cemetry Way the day of the second incident.

During the vehicle search a number of class A and class B drugs were found and two people were arrested for possession with intent to supply class A and Class B drugs.

They were bailed for further enquiries.

Also in the back of the car was a large holdall containing various high value designer bags and perfumes.

The neighbourhood crime team suspected these bags were stolen from the burglary.

Detective Sergeant Carla Deighton, of GMP’s Neighbourhood Priority Crime Team in Bolton, said: “These swift actions are thanks to the positive work of our officers, through their diligent investigation we have been able to secure quick arrests in this case.

“Officers investigating this crime took the holdall round to the victim’s home address and she has confirmed these to be hers as they have her initials on some of them.

“As a force-priority issue, we work quickly to investigate burglaries. They will not be tolerated across Greater Manchester.”