While many of us look for ways to keep wasps out of our homes, it’s worth knowing that some tips and tricks shared can be dangerous.

Videos have been posted to TikTok showing people using petrol to deter wasps but gardening experts at GardeningExpress are warning Brits to avoid following suit.

The experts are warning Brits that this dangerous method could result in nasty stings from angry wasps and can harm precious wildlife.

If you’ve got a wasp nest in your garden or your home, you might be wondering how to get rid of it but there are safer ways you can do this.

The experts at GardeningExpress have shared some tips for keeping wasps away from your house.

The Bolton News: Gardening experts say that using petrol to get rid of wasps is dangerousGardening experts say that using petrol to get rid of wasps is dangerous (Image: Getty Images)

7 tips to stop wasps entering your home

Use scents

Scents such as peppermint and lemongrass can discourage wasps from building nests so it’s recommended you have these scents where wasps might enter your home to help deter them.

An oil diffuser also helps keep wasps at bay if it’s placed by the window.

Check food isn’t lying around

Make sure you check that fallen fruit or litter isn’t around the outside of your home as this can attract wasps and they might decide to build their nest there based on the sweet, sugary scent.

Seal potential entry points

Have a look around your home for potential entry points that wasps might use to enter your home, especially the rooms that are closer to a nest, and have them filled.

Install window netting

Having netting in place can help stop wasps getting inside your home and potentially stinging you.

It will also help keep other insects like mosquitos and flies out of your home.

The Bolton News: The gardening experts have suggested 7 ways to safely keep wasps away from your home including putting herbs on the windowsill and sealing potential entry pointsThe gardening experts have suggested 7 ways to safely keep wasps away from your home including putting herbs on the windowsill and sealing potential entry points (Image: Getty Images)

Put herbs on the windowsill

Basil and thyme can be used to help deter wasps and putting them on your windowsill could mean you can have your window open without worrying about wasps coming in.

Don’t aggravate wasps

Wasps only sting if they feel threatened so it’s important to keep a safe distance from them and avoid poking their hive.

If you’re walking nearby wasps, wear the colour red as they can’t see this colour.

Call the professionals

If you find a wasp nest, handling it on your own can be dangerous but calling a pest controller can make the situation safer.