A woman from Ramsbottom is among a group of winners of a national photography competition after entering a stunning underwater picture.

Lastminute.com have been searching for the best photographs from around the world as part of the firm's 25th anniversary celebrations.

The business then chose 25 winners, one of which is Leesa Beckwith from Ramsbottom, who took the stunning photo while scuba diving for the first time in Nabq, Egypt.

Leesa said: “I am still in shock over being picked as a prize winner - it was a wonderful surprise.

“I am delighted to be able to share such a wonderful moment and personal achievement with others. 

“I was 50 years old when I took this scuba diving trip and it took me all my courage to do it and I was so glad I did. 

“It was like another world, the coral reef and the beauty of the fish was breathtaking.”

As her prize, Leesa will receive a £250 voucher from the company to fund future travels, as well as a ticket to the London Eye where she will be able to see her image on display.

There were more than 1,000 entries from across the UK, with the most popular theme for images being time spent with family and friends.

The second theme was special occasions and romantic moments, such as proposals and nearly four in 10 images were of natural wonders, such as beaches and sunsets.

Paris was the most photographed location within the entries outside of London.