A woman was sexually assaulted while on her way to university in the centre of Bolton.

Mohammed Alshami pursued the woman down a back street off Baldwin Street and placed his hands underneath her clothes.

The woman said she can still "feel his hand" on her.

Bolton Magistrates Court heard police were called on March 21 this year to reports a woman was shouting and a man was running away.

They discovered the man had followed her up a back street and placed his hand up her skirt before she shouted for help.

Police found a group of people on the street and Alshami was identified as the culprit.

Henry Prescott, prosecuting, told of the lies the 18-year-old told at the scene.

He said "He said he had fallen over and accidentally caught the victim's leg.

"This defence was continued at the police interview."

However at courrt Alshami, from Willows Lane, Bolton, pleaded guilty to a charge of sexual assault on a female.

Mr Prescott added "He has no previous convictions and will lose his good character today."

He also read a victim impact statement from the woman who was sexually assaulted.

It said "I will never be able to park there again.

"It shook me up.

"Right now I am shaking even thinking about it.

"I can still feel his hand on me."

Chair of the bench Stephen Paine adjourned the matter to obtain a pre-sentence report.

He told Alshami: "It is extremely important for you to do the report and that you are honest."

Alshami will be sentenced at Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court next month.