Children who are receiving treatment at the Royal Bolton Hospital will now have the opportunity to take part in exciting free online lessons.

Bolton NHS Foundation Trust and Our Bolton NHS Charity have teamed up with Centre of Excellence to give free access to 21 courses for children, with more to come.

Some of the courses give children the chance to learn all about space, world exploration and dinosaurs thanks to the donation of free courses.

Children who are staying on a children’s ward in Royal Bolton Hospital can also choose to take part in an online course, with subjects including English, Maths, creative writing, history, French and wellbeing.

The courses are tailored for children in both Key Stage 1 and 2.

Luca, 10, who studied the Dinosaurs, English and Maths courses, said: “I found them really fun.

“They helped me a lot at school in lessons I found hard.

“I also really liked learning about wellbeing as it made me feel happy.”

Jayne Simpson, matron for acute paediatrics at Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, said: “These courses will be brilliant for the children on our paediatric wards.

“Not only will the children have the opportunity to not miss out on too much of their schoolwork while they’re with us, but they’ll be able to keep up in a fun and engaging way.

“I look forward to hearing our children telling us all about what they learn!

Sarah Skinner, Our Bolton NHS charity manager, said: “Staying in hospital isn’t fun for anyone but especially for children, so we do our best to make their stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

“These brilliant courses are optional for all our children staying on our dedicated children’s wards, and if they want to finish them after they’ve got home, they’ll be able to do so.

“Thank you to Centre of Excellence for their kind and generous offer for our children.

Parents will be given a special code to access the courses for free.

Centre of Excellence CEO Sara Jones said: “We’re absolutely thrilled to be partnering with Royal Bolton Hospital to help support children.

“Centre of Excellence set itself a huge task to positively impact one billion people, by teaming up with Royal Bolton Hospital, we’re able to make a massive difference.

“If we can support just one child through a barrier at school, or learn a new hobby, or achieve something they thought was impossible, then we’ll be over the moon.”

If you have a story or something you would like to highlight in the community, please email me at or DM me on Twitter @chloewjourno.