A Bolton man who was spared a prison sentence after being caught with a knife has appeared before the courts again for failing to obey a judge’s instructions.

Chai Chamberlain was in Bolton Crown Court earlier this year where he admitted possession of a knife in a public place.

He had been in the town at around 2.10am on June 5 last year and was spotted on camera.

Police became suspicious when they noticed he was wearing a tracksuit that appeared to be associated with a recent robbery.

They asked him to remove the item of clothing and a four-inch long kitchen knife was seen in the sleeve.

Chamberlain had not been involved in the robbery.

At court in April he was spared jail by Judge Tom Gilbart.

He suspended a sentence of six month for a year, ordered him to complete 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days and to undergo a drug treatment requirement for 12 months.

But Chamberlain, 36, found himself back in the dock for failing to comply with these terms.

The court heard that just one day after being spared jail he failed to attend at an appointment.

A warrant was issued for his arrest and he returned to court.

Judge Gilbart told him to be fully compliant and he was released once more.

He attended one of the three appointments, but had a legitimate reason for missing one due to illness.

After Chamberlain admitted the breach Kevin Liston, defending, said he accepted the prison sentence would be activated.

He said: “The defendant takes a pragmatic view.

“He knows what awaits him today.

“He has a desire to be drug free, he accepts he has failed on this occasion.”

Judge Gilbart said: “You expressed a desire to rehabilitate yourself.

“You breached the order the day after it was imposed.

“There has been some limited compliance.

“It is appropriate to make a small reduction to the custodial term.”

Judge Gilbart jailed Chamberlain, from Hilden Street, Bolton, for five months.