Trees have been inspected at a popular park in Westhoughton after one fell into a children’s play area recently.

The Bolton News reported that the tree came crashing down onto the play area in Westhoughton’s Central Park on the evening of Friday, July 7.

Cllr David Wilkinson received a call from a concerned resident, who had been playing with their toddler in the park.

Joined by fellow Cllr Arthur Price, Cllr Wilkinson headed to the park to see what had happened.

He contacted the out of hours team at Bolton Council and a tree surgeon was on site quickly.

The tree was cut up and removed this week.

Another nearby resident who saw the tree after it had fallen said he was “surprised” about what had happened, saying there was no indication that any of the trees next to the park were about to topple.

He said his neighbour's children had been playing on the basketball courts next to the Bolton Road park at the time.

An inspection of the other trees has now taken place as the tree which fell was rotten and the Bolton tree officer said on inspection ‘no urgent work’ is needed.

The Bolton News: Trees fall into play areaTrees fall into play area (Image: Cllr Wilkinson)

Updating Cllr Wilkinson in an email, the tree officer stated: “For information we have inspected the trees around the play area and no urgent works are required at present.

“Clearly we will continue to check on our cyclical safety checks.”

Cllr Wilkinson said it is positive news the trees are not a cause for concern as other trees are to be felled in Westhoughton due to ash dieback.

He said: “We had a call on the Friday night regarding the tree at the children’s park and we asked the tree officers straight away if we could have an inspection and the tree officer has been up and looked at all of the trees and they appear to be solid so that is good news because we didn’t want to start having a hacking session of trees.

“We will be losing a few more trees already from ash dieback at the entrance to the King Street Car Park so it is great news we won’t be losing anymore.”

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