An investigation is underway to find the person responsbile for dumping waste on the streets.

A member of a litter-picking group said she has been left feeling ‘disheartened’ after coming across the large amount of fly-tipping earlier this week.

Karen Liptrot, who heads up Highfield Litter Pickers, said she has never seen the area inbetween West Avenue and Plodder Lane as bad as she did recently.

She has asked council to help clean up as she holds down a full-time job, making clearing up after fly-tippers ‘quite challenging’.

Karen said: “Ater a long day at work I was out changing a few of the community bin bags that I have tied up around Farnworth and I just came upon the fly tipping, I just saw the state of the back street.

“This is a back street that I tidy up every six to eight weeks and we generally find fly tipping down there such as mattresses, sofas, builders waste, household items and large household items, but I have never seen it as bad to the extent of what I had seen yesterday.

“I was speechless to be honest with the volume of what was there, and I felt disheartened.

“The amount of time that I put into tidying the area that I live and the community and going into other areas as well in Bolton and then coming across that after a long hard day at work, it really made me feel down.

“On this occasion, the fly tipping has been reported to the council and the fly tip team online and I have also communicated with an enforcement officer,

“I work full time and managing this as well can be quite challenging.

“The back street is an unadopted back street, so the council generally won’t go there because of regulations but we are hoping on this occasion that they will do.”

A spokesperson for Bolton Council said  investigations are ongoing.

If you have a story or something you would like to highlight in the community, please email me at or DM me on Twitter @chloewjourno.