Talented young people with designs on success staged a special exhibition showcasing their creativity.

The Sixth Form Bolton's art and design students displayed their end-of-year art projects to family and friends

The Sixth Form’s A-level art, craft and design, fine art, graphics, photography and vocational art students spent the last months planning, producing, and perfecting their pieces ready to be displayed in the colleges amazing art facilities.

Works shown included incredible and powerful art pieces, including examples of graphic design from graphics student, Cassey Lo.

Inspired by her time spent in church, Cassey combined her passion for her faith, her artistic flair, and marketing skills to create a unique brand of Christian music promotional materials.

The Bolton News: The Sixth Form Bolton Art Show

The aspiring graphic designer said: “I have loved my time at B6, Graphics has been my favourite subject, I have learned so much and it has inspired me to become a designer in the future.”

Photography student, Lydia Blackburn, was inspired by the changing seasons to create her beautiful portfolio of modern and traditional photography.

The former Canon Slade School pupil said: “I have tried to showcase how our emotions reflect the changing seasons. Photography has been an amazing subject to study, I have developed so much during my time here”.

Other work ranged from abstract art, intricately beaded headpieces, to life size full body art prints.

The Bolton News: The Sixth Form Bolton Art Show

Exploring the beautiful exhibition, it really is clear to see the passion and talent that students have for their craft.

Deborah Wynne, head of expressive arts said: “I am thrilled to offer a very hearty congratulations to all our art and design students on a truly fantastic exhibition. The range and quality of work in this showcase is testament to the creativity, resilience and passion of our students.

"I also offer my thanks to our incredible staff team who have worked so hard in maintaining an incredibly engaging range of courses again this year.”