A man who stabbed 'gentle giant' Luke O'Connor eight times over a comment about his skateboard has been jailed for 15 years for manslaughter.

Shiloh Pottinger, who is originally from Wilpshire but had moved to Manchester to study music production at BIMM, stabbed 19-year-old student Luke O'Connor in Wilmslow Road in the city on October 26, 2022.

Pottinger, now 20, was found not guilty of Luke's murder at a trial last month however a jury did find him guilty of manslaughter.

Today (Monday, June 19) Pottinger appeared at Manchester Crown Court where the Honorary Recorder of Manchester Nicholas Dean KC passed down a sentence of 15 years.

Pottinger, who appeared emotionless in the dock wearing a shirt, tie and jumper, claimed he had been going for a takeaway in the early hours of October 26 and had picked up a flick knife by mistake, thinking it was his vape.

As he walked down Wilmslow Road around 2am, he encountered Luke and his friends, who were on their way home from a party.

The Bolton News: Luke O'ConnorLuke O'Connor (Image: GMP)

One of Luke's friends made a comment about a skateboard Pottinger was carrying, which he didn't take lightly to, and challenged the group.

The court heard how Luke stepped in to intervene and it was at this point Pottinger pulled the knife out of his pocket, before hitting Luke with the skateboard. 

It was heard that Luke pushed Pottinger away before the then 19-year-old stabbed him eight times with the knife.

Pottinger's defence was that Luke made him do the act as he and his friends had been goading him about the skateboard, which humiliated him. 

Recorder Dean KC rejected Pottinger's version of events, and said he did not believe the music student had mistakenly picked up the flick knife, saying he was carrying it as a "fashion accessory".

The judge ruled he must serve at least 10 years of his 15 year sentence before being considered for release. 

In sentencing, Recorder Dean KC said: "We have heard the victim personal statments from Luke's parents, who described him as kind, a gentle giant, with a heart of gold.

"As is to be expected, the effect of Luke's death has been profound. Luke's family are broken, distraught, and will never fully heal. They will learn to live again but only because Luke would want them to.

"Luke stood up to bullies. He stood up to you.

The Bolton News: Luke O'ConnorLuke O'Connor (Image: GMP)

"During your trial you told many lies. I have read what happened between you and Luke, much of it I reject.

"The starting point is to garner why you aqcuired a flick knife, you said you bought it to apply grip tape to a skate board. It is not for this, it is a deadly weapon.

"You bought the flick knife because you found it desirable and it gave you a sense of empowerment.

"You said you picked up the flick knife by mistake when you went out that night as you thought it was your vape. You picked it up deliberately.

"You next lied about why you chose to avoid the security in place at a bar, you jumped the wall because you knew the bar would find the knife.

"Why when you left the bar you chose to walk along Wilmslow Road is hard to know.

"If it is true you were going to a fast food outlet, it's puzzling to know why you made no effort to go there.

"You then lied about the encounter between Luke and his friends.

"They did not shout or target you or walk towards you in a threatening manner.

"Charlie Watson made a remark, a remark referring to the skateboard, which led to the confrontation with Luke O'Connor.

"It's clear to me you reacted to this remark in an aggressive way. This is a mark of your immaturity and reflects your arrogance.

"During your trial you chose to portray Luke as the aggressor.

"He challenged your reaction to Charlie Robertson's remark.

"And almost as soon as he did, you produced the flick knife and held it towards Luke at close range.

"You were offended that Luke was not cowed by your threats.

"Your own evidence at trial shows this, when you attacked Luke with a skateboard he was laughing at you, and he was, you said you didn't think he was taking you seriously.

"You said you found that humiliating.

"In your own evidence, you were blaming Luke for making you attack him.

The Bolton News: CCTV from the incidentCCTV from the incident (Image: GMP)

"At that point you advanced towards him with the knife.

"Luke did what he was able to do to defend himself, he punched and pushed as he could, but you used the knife to stab him.

"As Luke's mother said, there is one person responsible for Luke's death that night - that person is you Shiloh Pottinger.

"I agree you have taken no responsibility and shown no remorse, any remorse is for yourself only.

"You said you carried a knife for empowerment, a more mature 19-year-old would not have done that.

"You attacked Luke because he laughed at you and humiliated you.

"Your interests in knives, your actions on October 25 and 26 and your actions after indicate a degree of immaturity.

"You have not shown remorse, you sought to blame Luke O'Connor for what you did.

"You acquired a deadly weapon attracted by the idea of possessing this kind of knife.

"You produced the knife and used it to threaten.

"You were aggressive and violent wih your skateboard.

"You produced the knife again and you stabbed multiple times.

"You had every opportunity to disengage with Luke O'Connor."

Despite the best efforts of paramedics and hospital staff at Manchester Royal Infirmary, Luke died from his injuries at 4.51am on October 26.

Jayne Sharp, Senior Crown Prosecutor for CPS North West, said: “Shiloh Pottinger went out for the evening armed with a knife. An innocent, light-hearted comment was enough to cause Pottinger to become aggressive and use the offensive weapon against Luke, who sadly lost his life. 

“The CPS worked hard with Greater Manchester Police to build a strong case, piecing together the CCTV, eyewitness testimony, phone and medical evidence to place before the jury. Having heard all the evidence, the jury found Pottinger guilty of manslaughter. 

“Nothing can make up for the loss of Luke, I can only hope that knowing Pottinger has been brought to justice will provide some comfort to his family and friends. My thoughts remain with them.”

Luke's family said "we are truly devastated by this tragedy. Luke was loved by so many people, and he knew how much he was loved in return" as they paid tribute to their ‘bubbly, lively, beautiful boy’.

They added: "We are relieved Shiloh Pottinger is now behind bars although his sentence in no way compares to our life sentence."

Detective Sergeant Laura Murray of GMP's Major Incident Team said: “Luke was just 19-years-old when he was stabbed and killed on his way home. His parents have gone through something that no parent should have to go through.

“From the outset, the investigation team has worked tirelessly to secure the best possible outcome. I’m pleased the offender has been served a jail sentence however it will not bring Luke home to his family.

“Had Shiloh Pottinger not been carrying a knife that night, then Luke would not have died. This case shows very clearly the tragic consequences that come from carrying knives.

“Many other lives have also been ruined - those of family and friends.

“The police are working hard to tackle knife crime, but we need help. We need parents and teachers to challenge the idea that it’s acceptable to carry knives. And if you know or suspect a friend of yours is carrying a knife, you need to call out that behaviour.

“I'd now like to speak directly to anyone out there who carries a knife. Please I urge you to put it down before it’s too late. It will cost you your life."