One of Greater Manchester Police's (GMP) newest recruits is being put through her paces, and she’s only six months old.

Police dog (PD) Beau is training under the watchful eye of her trainer and is a one of a litter of four pups that joined the force a few months ago.

The German shepherd is undergoing her initial familiarisation with the more formal training due to start when she’s 18 months old.

Her siblings, PDs Dre, Nala and Luna are undergoing similar routines with their handlers.

GMP has around 40 working police dogs across multiple disciplines from general purpose dogs to dogs with specific detection skills like finding drugs and explosives.

The force recruits around eight dogs a year to replace dogs that are retiring.

The Bolton News: PA Beau

Chief Inspector Kirsten Buggy, who oversees Specialist Operational Training within GMP's People and Development Branch, said: “Beau will undergo a six-week training course in about a year from now at Hough End and she needs to get ready for that.

“We work on things like agility and obedience and part of her training involves going to a variety of places, like the airport and train stations, to get her confidence up.

"She is a very curious dog, but also very clever and very stubborn. Eventually, it is hoped Beau will become a general-purpose dog and will help with arrests and tracking.”