Extension works could be set to be carried out on a petrol station, according to a proposal lodged this month.

If approved, the plans will see changes made to the Mercure Filing Station on Manchester Road, Westhoughton.

These will include extensions to the petrol station shop and to the existing forecourt.

A statement from planners ADS Designs said: “The proposal seeks to extend the area of the store to the rear of the building.

“This extension will tie into the existing building using matching building materials and provide a much-needed additional retail store area.

The Bolton News: The proposed site layoutThe proposed site layout (Image: ADS Design)

“The canopy is proposed to be extended over the existing pump islands nearest to Manchester Road.

“The canopy is also proposed to be lifted, by 1m, to 5.5m in line with modern forecourt standards.”

It added: “The development is adequately served by Manchester Road and will not create or add to problems of safety, environment or efficiency on the highway network and is capable of being adequately served by public transport.”

The developers say that their plans will improve the running of the existing petrol station with increasing its use.

Most of the Manchester Road site already operates as a petrol station and also includes a hand car wash and jet wash bays.

It is well used by drivers passing along Manchester Road and is on the way to the nearby Mercury Hotel.

The statement said: “The site is relatively level and most of the ground cover is tarmac or concrete. The existing shop building is of a modern design finished in brick and grey composite cladding.

“The monopitch roof is also grey and the shop front is largely glazed.

“The adjoining retail unit is finished in matching brickwork with a glazed frontage and flat roof.”

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The extension plans were put before Bolton Council on Tuesday June 6 and will be open for neighbourhood consultations until Munday July 3 this year.

This will give residents on nearby Manchester Road, Beehive Green and Manley Crescent the opportunity to give their views on the proposed development.

Once the consultation period is over, the authority aims to decide whether or not to approve the plans by Tuesday August 1.