One of Bolton's outstanding schools has submitted plans to create a two-storey temporary classroom block

Rumworth School has submitted the plans to site the temporary block on campus for 12 months while an application to create a permanent extension is considered by planning chiefs.

The school in Ladybridge has undergone a number of extensions to accomodate more pupils.

The application for a permanent extension is as a result of demand for new school places.

The temporary building, says the school, will give them “much needed additional classroom space while the new building is constructed, subject to planning approval.”

The building would be used from September 2023 until September 2024.

It would be located on the north-east of the complex and would accommodate around 40 pupils and eight members of staff.

The application states: “The proposed development will not result in an increase in pupil or staff numbers beyond the existing enrolment.

“Given this and the temporary use of the building, it is not considered that there is a requirement to provide any further car parking spaces on site.

“No works are proposed to the existing access or egress points, nor the one-way system.

“The existing car park will not be impacted upon by this proposal. In light of the above, it is concluded that the proposed development will not have a material impact in terms of highway operation and safety.”

It added: “Given the established educational use on site, it is considered that the principle of the development at this location is wholly acceptable.”

Rumworth School has been considered outstanding by Ofsted.

It was last visited for a short inspection in 2018.

A report written at the time said: “The leadership team has maintained the outstanding quality of education in the school since the last inspection.

“You lead a dynamic and innovative school which ensures that each individual is respected, cared for and challenged to achieve the very best that they can.

“Pupils are at the heart of the decisions that you make.

“Your staff focus relentlessly on equipping pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need to lead happy and successful lives.”

Last year it emerged the cost of expanding the popular school could cost more than £1million than was initially set out.

The extension had originally been planed to cost to £3.6million but this later rose to £4.8million due to inflation and the effects of Covid.