Gmail users are being urged to check their emails as new concerning scam makes the rounds to Google users. 

The scam was first spotted by cybersecurity engineer Chris Plummer who took to Twitter to warn people of the fake email. 

The Gmail message claims to be from the postal service UPS and looks convincing with a verified look and logo. 

The received Gmail reads: "Hi Christopher, your package is arriving today. From RUNNING WAREHOUSE. Scheduled Delivery."

As Mr Plummer shared the worrying email, he told users what to do if they see the scam email in their Gmail accounts. 

The Bolton News:

He told Twitter: "The sender found a way to dupe @gmail’s authoritative stamp of approval, which end users are going to trust. u live in - check yours now. This message went from a Facebook account to a UK netblock, to O365, to me. Nothing about this is legit."

Experts share that scam emails can be convincing enough to trick anybody which is why you should be cautious if you're not sure where the message is coming from, reports Birmingham Live.

However, Google's security team does take 'closer looks' at scams as the Gmail website shared that users should be aware of phishing. 

According to Google "Phishing is an attempt to steal personal information or break into online accounts using deceptive emails, messages, ads or sites that look similar to sites you already use."

The scam emails may attempt to look like anything from bank emails requesting private information to asking you to download software. 

They will also typically impersonate reputable organisations with the likes of social media sites and bank accounts.