Ok, I keep banging on about my oh-so famous appearance on the Great British Bake Off. I was a rabbit caught in headlights.

Normally I am a very private person and to come in front of the cameras that way was, shall we say, totally out of character.

Many people groan; sick to death of ‘reality’ television and the prima donnas whose talent is to have no talent.

I am in your camp.

But, forgive me, The Bake Off does require an ounce of something in you to carry yourself in the kitchen.

There were far more talented people who didn’t make it on the show and I still hear from applicants to the show who ask me for advice. There is nothing more to say than keep it simple, be yourself and be honest.

After the show aired my life did make a little shift, in a very pleasant way. Being recognised in the street was a novelty.

One of the most satisfying things was that I received a massive pizza oven and I still pinch myself at getting this, and pizza is one of my most favourite things to make. (Oh sorry, writing for the Bolton News is up there as well!)

As I was visiting my friends at the Bolton News this week I thought I will invent a special pizza just for them.

There are thousands of pizza recipes out there but this one, I can guarantee, will be hard to surpass and not a tomato in sight.

Instead there is a tangy and sweet mix of feta and caramelised onion with the unusual addition of spuds.

Trust me, it works. You don’t need a pizza oven, a pizza stone in a traditional oven will also work. See, I’m not that much of a snob.

The Bolton News: Mak Patel pizza recipe

Feta and caramelised onion spud pizza

Prep time 30 minutes. Prove time. 2hrs (it’s bread after all). Cook time 30 minutes. Makes 7 small pizzas.

Desirable to a have a pizza stone, a baking tray will also work.

For the pizza dough

500g strong white or 00 white flour

250ml + 50ml of hand hot water

1 tsp sugar

5g dried yeast

10g salt

1 tbsp olive oil

For the topping

2 tbsp cooking oil

3 medium red onions

1 tbsp balsamic vinegar

1 tbsp brown sugar

2 medium potatoes, cut into small pieces.

250g feta cheese

Olive oil to drizzle

Salt and pepper

The Bolton News: Mak Patel pizza recipe


1. Place the flour in a large bowl and then make a crater. Add 250ml of warm water. Gradually bring together and roughly knead in the bowl, cover and let it rest for ten minutes.

2. In a glass mix the 50ml warm water, sugar and yeast. Let it froth up. Once there is a decent amount of activation add this into the dough mixture and knead for a couple of minutes. Then add salt. Knead for a couple minutes more and then add the olive oil. Empty the dough onto a work surface and knead for 10 minutes until the dough is smooth and springy. Be patient with it and work it hard. Put it back into the bowl cover with cling film and prove for 1 hour until double in size. If you room is cold leave it in the oven.

3. Whilst the dough is proving make the caramelised onions. In a deep frying pan with a lid heat the oil on a medium heat. Add the sliced red onions. Mix and then cover with a lid. Keep stirring now and again so the onions don’t stick. About 15 minutes later add two or three tablespoons of water, Stir it in properly. Add the balsamic vinegar and brown sugar. Mix thoroughly. Keep uncovered from this point onwards and the liquid should evaporate in a minute or so. Leave aside to cool.

4. Cut the potatoes, with skin on, into 1cm cubes (don’t be exact) and then boil for 10 minutes in salted water. Drain and leave to cool.

5. Back to the dough. Once it has doubled in sized, knead to knock the air out. Separate into 100g pieces and roll into a balls. Use flour to stop it sticking. Transfer them to a reasonably big, floured tray. Cover and leave to prove for 1 hour.

6. 15 minutes before assembling the pizzas place a pizza stone or baking tray in the oven and turn on to 220°C fan. Shape the dough balls into small plate sized pizza bases. Assemble the topping. Onions first to reasonably cover the base, then a small quantity of potatoes and a generous crumbling of the feta. Season to taste. A small quantity of olive oil wouldn’t go amiss either.

7. Draw out the oven shelf with the hot pizza stone or tray. Carefully place the pizza on top and cook for 5 minutes approximately. The baking tray times may be slightly more. In either case the pizza should be a luscious golden brown. Serve piping hot.

Garnish with parsley, grated lemon zest and chopped garlic to add some extra zing. The pizza can be kept in the fridge to make for a tasty breakfast the following day. I live in the real world too!