A petrol station in a residential area of Bolton has applied for 24-hour opening.

The operators of the Firwood Service Station on Crompton Way have this week submitted documents for a 12-month temporary change to its operating licence to open around the clock.

Applicants GM Petroleum Ltd are currently restricted to opening from 6am-11pm Monday to Friday and 7am-10pm on Saturdays and Sundays. Similar applications for extended opening hours have been rejected in the past.

The most recent such request was rejected in July 2014 on grounds that ‘the proposed development will increase noise and activity in and around the premises to the detriment of the living conditions of nearby residents’. That decision came after objections from neighbours concerned about increased light pollution and noise.

This week’s application includes a planning statement on behalf of GM Petroleum Ltd. It states: “Previous applications sought approval for 24 hour opening based on an expectation there would be no detriment to residential amenity, but presented no assessment to show there would be no material impact.

“To address those reservations, this application attaches a noise assessment to show any noise generated during night time operations would not be

material. “It also proposes a condition to control lighting during night time hours which would state before the commencement of 24 hour opening a scheme to show how signage and forecourt lighting shall be dimmed during the hours 10pm and 7amwhile the forecourt is not in use shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

“The approved scheme shall be implemented prior to the commencement of 24 hour opening and retained thereafter.” The application adds that following the expiration of a 12 month period, the opening hours shall revert to the present ones, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the council.

Also submitted with the application is details of a neighbour consultation plan which includes contacting dozens of nearby households on Crompton Way

and Glaisdale Close. Planners at Bolton Council will decide on the application at a date to be decided.