A diagnosis service has helped homeless people with some of the most complex health needs find safe housing.

The Dual Diagnosis service is provided by the Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH), as part of the Greater Manchester Housing First (GMHF) homelessness pilot, led by Great Places Housing.

GMHF aims is to rehouse people who are homeless or at the risk of being homeless across all 10 Greater Manchester Boroughs.

Following the success of the initial three-year programme, it was recently extended for a further two years and has now helped more than 350 people into a safe and secure home of their own.

Dual Diagnosis refers to the experience of multiple, complex health challenges, such as mental health and/or substance misuse problems, alongside homelessness.

According to research, it is very common for those experiencing enduring homelessness to have a dual diagnosis need, and providing specialist dual diagnosis support has been a huge part of the GMHF programme.

Michelle received support through the Housing First partnership, and Dual Diagnosis service.

She said: “Growing up, I experienced abuse at home, and have struggled with physical health problems as a result, which are still ongoing.

“Over the years, this has made me vulnerable, and I have experienced a number of abusive relationships where my finances and freedom have been restricted.

 “For years, I struggled to get the help I needed – my physical health got worse, and out of desperation I turned to illegal substances to self-medicate.

“I was forced into homelessness and was sleeping rough or in temporary hostels, where I experienced further assaults. 

“I really needed help, but I was labelled as ‘intentionally homeless’, meaning I didn’t qualify for permanent housing.

 “Just as I was ready to give up, I was referred to Housing First, and this is where my story really started to change.

“Without Housing First, I would be in a doorway or dead.

“But life now is so good now.

“I now have the proper medication I need and no longer use illegal substances.

“I have my own home – my own private space – where I can do the things I love to do.

“My daughter lives with me which is amazing.

“I now volunteer at MASH and a local foodbank, and recently I visited the Houses of Parliament, to share my story and talk about how Housing First helped me.

“This felt like a real full circle moment.”