A new gated housing estate is earmarked for land in Westhoughton.

Plans have been put forward for the  development on land off Dobb Brow Road.

Under the proposals nine two-storey houses and one bungalow a new access road will be created.

The majority of the houses will large lawned gardens, garages, and external parking areas.

All properties will have gated access and there will be a new site entrance from Dobb Brow Road which will be gated.

A planning statement, prepared by Lichfields has been submitted to Bolton Council on behalf of Forshaw Land and Property Group Limited, states the development is designed to "create an attractive neighbourhood" and to  "create distinctive individually designed houses to avoid ‘cookiecutter’ design".

The Bolton News: The proposed designsThe proposed designs (Image: HATTRELL LLP/Bolton Council)

Plans state the houses will be designed to a high standard with a mix of contemporary and traditional elements.


According to the plans, the site is irregular in shape, covering an area of approximately 1.5 hectares.

The majority of the site is defined by a mix of lawn and overgrown, poor-quality grassland, with an area on the eastern edge of the site, off Dobb Brow Road, currently occupied by a garage.

The proposals are seeking to demolish this garage in order to construct an access into the site off Dobb Brow Road, which will be taken through land currently within the curtilage of 59 Dobb Brow Road.


The Bolton News: Designs for the proposed developmentDesigns for the proposed development (Image: HATTRELL LLP/Bolton Council)


An illustrative layout plan has been provided showing how the site could accommodate up to 10 large family homes, a curved access road off Dobb Brow Road with 2m wide footpaths either side and a turning point located at the end of the road.

The layout also shows landscaping along the footpath in front of each plot.

The developers claim the new homes will help to address Bolton’s housing needs.

A planning statement from Lichfields said: “In terms of benefits, the proposed development will deliver a high-quality development of ten dwellings, contributing towards housing need in Bolton.

“The delivery of homes is important in the context of the persistent under-delivery of homes in Bolton in recent years.

“Furthermore, the site is sustainably located, in close proximity to a number of local services and excellent public transport links, providing opportunities for sustainable modes of transport.”

The Bolton News: Designs for the proposed developmentDesigns for the proposed development (Image: HATTRELL LLP/Bolton Council)

In Bolton Council's Allocations Plan, the site is located within ‘Other Protected Open Land’ and directly adjacent to Green Belt.

Westhoughton Town Council have commented on the plans, stating:  “Concerns were raised about whether these properties are in the greenbelt area and about the impact from additional residents on doctors’ provision and school places, which are both under pressure in Westhoughton.

“If permission is granted, the town council requests a condition that the developer makes a contribution to speed calming on Dobb Brow Road, following its upcoming resurfacing, because of the extra traffic it will bring.”

Plans can be viewed on the Bolton Council website using ref. 15705/23.