A Bolton MP has hit out at the “debacle” caused in the town by the widespread installation of telecom poles.

Moves by companies like IX Wireless to install new poles around the borough have proven to be highly controversial, provoking debates and public protests.

Now Bolton South East MP Yasmin Qureshi says she has raised the issue in Parliament and has not been satisfied with the Government’s response.

She said: “The Government’s non-answer to my very serious question regarding IX Wireless’ investment sums up the debacle we are in. 

“They are now trying to deflect their decision to amend legislation and allow companies like IX Wireless to install telegraph poles without any community input.”

The Bolton News: Protestors gathered at town hall earlier this monthProtestors gathered at town hall earlier this month (Image: Henry Lisowski)

She added: “The result of this is that IX Wireless can continue their installations uninterrupted causing stress for my constituents and our wider community.”

The installation of mast has provoked widespread public outcry in Bolton and further afield with concerns ranging from the lack of space on pavements and the proximity of the masts to people’s houses and windows.

Protesters and political candidates gathered at the town hall earlier this month on Saturday April 15 to make their feelings known at a rally at the town hall.

The Bolton News: Another IX Wireless protest in HarwoodAnother IX Wireless protest in Harwood (Image: Newsquest)

Some of those who attended said they had personally experienced the shock of finding phone masts put up in front of or near their houses, with their elected representatives seemingly powerless to intervene.

A previous protest had seen residents gather at Lea Gate Close, Harwood in March to make their opposition known. 

Ms Qureshi has now used her position to ask the minister of state for media, data and digital infrastructure, Julia Lopez MP, what the level of investment made by IX Wireless means for communities like Bolton.

The Bolton News: Yasmin Qureshi speaking at the town hall protestYasmin Qureshi speaking at the town hall protest (Image: Henry Lisowski)

In response, Ms Lopez said she was aware that IX Wireless was rolling out its network across Bolton and referred to a debate held by the government on March 15 this year.

She said: “During that debate I said the government is looking closely at how to ensure all operators are aware of, and adhere to, their responsibilities when under both the legislative framework and the associated code of practice on pole siting.

“In addition, we are looking at whether additional work is needed to ensure local authorities understand their role in the process, including their ability to impose conditions on where poles and cabinets are sited and the ability to escalate issues to Ofcom.”

IX Wireless has said recently that it is taking part in regular meetings with Bolton Council to provide the people of the borough with low-cost gigabit-capable broadband services.

ALSO READ: Town centre protest against installation of telecom poles

ALSO READ: Hundreds of angry residents protest against 'rocket launcher' style mast

ALSO READ: Action taken to address upset being caused by installation of masts in Bolton

A statement said: “We understand that while many people have welcomed investment in the roll-out of digital infrastructure, some people are unhappy with the installation of new poles.

“Where necessary we are happy to speak to residents who may feel a structure is causing an obstruction.

“We want to reiterate that the only way to level-up the region and move towards a digitally inclusive environment is to invest in a new innovative network which will give people the same opportunities as those across the country otherwise we are at risk of being left behind.”