Long-awaited detailed proposals to build more than 100 new 'executive' homes on a former moorland industrial site have finally come forward after a 10-year delay.

The former Springside Mill in Belmont closed in 2007 and in 2013 was earmarked for 110 houses.

Although work to clear and clean up the 30-acre site near Darwen was undertaken, the properties were never started.

Now Barratt Homes and Urban Springside Limited have submitted a planning application to Blackburn with Darwen Council for the housing estate.

It will contain a mix of stone-built three, four and five-bedroom mews, semi-detached and detached homes with two and two-and a half storeys surrounded by green open space with countryside views.

The estate will include a new roost for bats and barn owls and protection for badgers and newts. A total of 59 trees will be chopped down.

The remaining derelict industrial buildings and warehouses will be demolished.

West Pennine ward's Cllr Jean Rigby said: "I am disappointed. I think they have missed a trick. They could have included a garden village for elderly people with a community centre. There is no sign of affordable housing either."

Supporting statements with the application say: "Springside Works is a large industrial site that has been in existence since the mid-19th century and producing paper products until its closure in 2007. It is located within the Eagley Brook Valley to the south-east of Belmont.

"It has become a site where contamination, dereliction, erosion, drainage and habitat value inter-relate in a way that makes the removal of potential environmental threats and its restoration to a safe and beneficial use both challenging and exciting.

"The following house types will be delivered: 40 of three bedrooms, 64 of four bedrooms, and 12 of five bedrooms.

"The dwellings will be a mix of 66 per cent detached four and five bed dwellings, with the remainder being a mix of semi-detached and detached three bed dwellings.

"This directly addresses the council’s aspiration for the site to deliver a range of larger, executive style properties for this area.

"The residential development will be delivered using Edenhall Darlstone Buff Stone and Black Split Brick and Forticate Slate Grey Tiles for the roofing.

"The use of stone facing responds to the historic nature of the Belmont area.

"As part of the development the existing Belmont Road/Mill Lane simple priority junction will be upgraded and improvements will also be provided to Mill Lane.

"The provision of much-needed family housing is a significant benefit, helping to re-balance the housing stock and provide choice.

"Similarly, the re-development of the vacant industrial buildings in a sustainable location re-uses vacant land rather than building on undeveloped land."