The issue of wooden poles being installed across Bolton is being taken to the town hall this week.

The appearance of the masts has caused upset in neighbourhoods with residents staging protests against them.

Now a motion is set to go before full council about the issue affecting neighbourhoods around Bolton.

Just last week hundreds of residents gathered in frustration over a ‘horrific rocket launcher’ style mast on Lea Gate Close, Harwood.

Cllr Roger Hayes said: “The council supports the ambition of the Government to make gigabit broadband available nationwide."

The Bolton News: Protest on Lea Gate Close, BoltonProtest on Lea Gate Close, Bolton (Image: Simon Taylor)

But Cllr Hayes questioned their installation under 'permitted development' and  says that aside from the masts being an “undesirable addition” to street clutter, in  cases it can cause a “considerable inconvenience” to nearby residents and those who are “visually impaired”.

He added: “Some are positioned against gable ends restricting residents’ ability to maintain their property or erected in clusters near the same property.?"

In his motion Cllr Heyes asks about the consultation process."

Cllr Hayes will put forward the motion at a full council meeting on  Wednesday, where he is expected to ask questions on the controls that the council has when it comes to the activities of the companies behind the poles as well as asking Chris Green MP to clarify what relationship he has with one of the companies, IX Wireless, after a donation from the company.

The Bolton News: Cllr Stuart Haslam on Lea Gate Close, BoltonCllr Stuart Haslam on Lea Gate Close, Bolton (Image: Public)

He said: 

“It is noted that similar donations have been made to a number of other conservative MPs in the north west of England."

Following on from a conversation that the leader of Bolton Council Martyn Cox had with Michael Gove regarding Levelling Up, he said: "We discussed the issue of permitted development for these masts, which are a big issue for lots of residents.

"I don't think he was aware of the proliferation of these masts in various towns.

"He's promised to have a look at it.

"We explained whilst people do want broadband, in Bolton we've got good coverage, and yet more and more unnecessary, unwanted masts are going up."

Previously Bolton Council has put together an information sheet about the installation of telecommunications infrastructure across Bolton, following questions by residents.

That states: "Under a planning law known as 'permitted development', companies can install communications equipment up to 15m tall without first getting permission from the council. 

"Under permitted development planning laws, companies do not need planning permission to install poles up to 15m tall. Because of this, there is no legal requirement for a consultation period with local residents or businesses."

IX Wireless, one of the ocmpanies installing the masts told The Bolton News.

IX Wireless previously told The Bolton News: "So far, we've installed a new fibre network infrastructure in six Lancashire towns.

"The uptake we’ve seen clearly highlights the demand for a higher speed internet at an affordable price in these areas."

The motion is expected to be heard at the meeting of the full council on Wednesday evening.

If you have a story and something you would like to highlight in the community, please email me at or DM me on Twitter @JournoJasmine.