A father-of-two from Bolton blockaded an oil terminal in Birmingham 'to get the message to the government' over fossil fuels.

Paul Barnes was one of more than a dozen protestors who blocked an access road to Esso Petroleum in April 2022.

The reason for the protest, organised by Just Stop Oil, was a plan by the government to issue more than 100 licences for firms to explore the North Sea for fossil fuels, a decision deemed incompatible with the fight against the climate crisis by environmental campaigners and environmental scientists.

The Bolton News:

The oil terminal was one of 10 targeted by Just Stop Oil over around a week, with hundreds of protestors arrested.

Paul, also known as Captain Rebellion after his role in an Extinction Rebellion demonstration in the town centre two years ago, was one of those arrested.

He and six others were convicted of aggravated trespass at Wolverhampton Magistrates' Court this week, and all were sentenced to a conditional discharge. 

The Bolton News:

Another six activists involved at Esso Petroleum, a subsidiary of Exxon Mobil, were acquitted of the offence in trials this week and at the end of last month. 

Paul told The Bolton News: "We wanted to get the message to the government and get them to the table to talk about the science.

"It's like the start of a film. The scientists are being ignored. But this is real life and our government isn't listening to the science."

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Paul, from Westhoughton,  made a lot of changes to his life to limit his contribution to the climate crisis.

He even moved to High Peak to cut out the commute to work and he switched to veganism.

But the rise of Extinction Rebellion in 2018 and of Just Stop Oil in 2022 convinced the father-of-two he needed to do more still.

He said: "As a dad, I think about the future. But the future isn't certain and it's an overwhelming situation we are in.

"I want to be a part of something to try to make a difference, even if it's a small one to get the ball rolling," he added.

READ MORE: Bolton council tax to rise as budget approved at town hall.

According to Just Stop Oil, Judge Graham Wilkinson sympathised with Paul and the six others convicted of aggravated trespass this week.

A spokesperson said: "Our families, communities, our country and our civilisation are on the cliff edge of destruction, and we refuse to stand by. 

"After decades of debate, lobbying and petitioning, we have nowhere else to go. The government is doubling down on fossil fuels, indicating ever greater levels of criminality, so we have to stop them."