Residents in a crime hotspot say they believe alley gating would deter criminal activity in their area.

The Bolton News reported how councillors were calling for action to tackle crime in the Deane area.

They say they are being plagued by drug dealing, fly-tipping and the use of gas canniers.

Read more: Catalytic converter theft in Bolton

Read more: Crime hotspot in Bolton

Read more: Arrest after Deane Road attackIt has been claimed that it as area of Bolton where criminals operating in broad daylight.

Rumworth councillor Ayyub Patel led the charge for areas off Deane Road to be blocked off by gates at a recent council meeting to help residents feel safer and deter criminals.

He said the area to the north of Deane Road near the council depot, is a bad spot because the congested streets allow criminals to flee easily and that alleygating could counteract this.

He along with councillor Shamima Abdullah carried out a survey of the area off Deane Road where the problems are at their worst.

Asif Wazir, a 43-year-old who has lived in the area his whole life, backed the calls.

He said: “Something is attracting people to the backstreets, form drug dealers to fly tipping.

“There are people who have lived here for 60 to 70 years who have never seen it like this.

“It has been getting worse for more than a year.”

Mehmuda Voraji, another local resident, added: “It is bad because of all the bad parking, we have got people coming here eating a takeaway and throwing away their stuff.

“Alley gating would help a lot.”

Ward councillors said that the vast majority were in favour of the proposal.

He said: “We have done a simple survey and a majority are in favour of alleygating.

“There are concerns over fly tipping, drugs and burglary crimes, cars parking on the back streets, there are gas cannisters everywhere."

Cllr Abdullah added: “There is fly tipping and antisocial behaviour in the backstreets, drug dealing and car chases.

“There is fly tipping which is attracting rats and vermin.

“Residents are frustrated, they are losing home in the system because nothing has been done.”

Read more: Catalytic converter theft in Bolton

Read more: Crime hotspot in Bolton

Read more: Arrest after Deane Road attack