A derelict village pub which has been left dangerous by repeated acts of vandalism and materials theft is set to be torn down.

Plans have been submitted to demolish the Lever Arms building in Darcy Lever, which has been targeted by intruders and vandals since it closed its doors at the end of March, 2019.

However, additional proposals to redevelop the site into apartments and a café have been withdrawn this week in order that risks associated with possible former mine openings at the site can be investigated. The structure, of the pub, on Top O Th Lane, off Radcliffe Road, is currently in a state of disrepair from both vandalism and rain water damage and is considered beyond repair.

Planning documents said: “Water damage appears to be due to areas of the roof having been removed or disturbed. Vandalism has made moving around within the structure dangerous due to the removal of upper-storey floorboards and various holes in ceilings which has resulted in the risk of falling debris.”

Detailed plans were submitted in the summer of 2022 to demolish the structure and build eight residential flats and a community café at basement

level on the site. Those plans were withdrawn by the applicant on Tuesday, January 10.

Lever Arms pub to be demolished for new flats in Darcy Lever

The new application, by Avoncliffe Properties Ltd, proposes the demolition of the buildings.

On the application, they state: “The intention is demolition of existing, disused public house. Demolition works will enable ground investigations to identify historic coal holes.”

A coal mining risk assessment with the plans, states: “The results of the desk-based risk assessment, using various information sources, have identified risks associated with former mine openings, and possibly the related deep workings.

“It is also recognised that there may be unrecorded workings within the vicinity. It is proposed that the shaft should initially be located, following which its dimensions can be established, and a suitable program of investigation devised.”

Bolton highways department said that assuming appropriate traffic management will be put in place for the demolition they had no objections.